First Post

To prove that it’s never ending, I am attempting to prepare lunch, watch the toddler, and type this, while figuring out how to set up this blog. I will stop for a minute, prevent the baby from ripping pages out of the book, run to the stove and stir the pasta, come back, read what I typed, add a comma and rephrase a sentence, stop the baby  from eating the hard board book, think of what we forgot at the store yesterday, check on the pasta, sit down, write another sentence, chase the baby out of the kitchen, stop the baby from kicking the cat, sit down and proof read the last sentence… And on and on for the next several, while the pasta cooks. At least the child is in a happy mood today, which means I can type this without her asking to be picked up, then put down, then picked up, then put down, then picked up, then put down…

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