
On Sunday, I attended my post partum support group, it was just me and the lady who hosts who had also become my good friend. While chatting, I had a slight itch on my breast and upon scratching it, felt a large lump in my breast milk duct and was surprised I was engorged. it … More Mastitis

Our Talk is Cheap

I’ve been thinking a lot about our discourse in our country and how we choose to relate to each other. Admittedly, I spend more time on social media than normal, and this is basically the bowels of human interchanges. But I think it blurs the lines on what is acceptable to say to each other, … More Our Talk is Cheap

Taking some Me-time

Everyone knows. Every mother needs to make sure to take some time to herself for herself, by herself. Everyone preaches, even people without kids know the, “nap when the baby naps”, and self-care line. Before kids, I had a lot of time to spend by myself. Before I met my husband, I lived alone for … More Taking some Me-time